
Free delivery within Kamloops
Will ship anywhere in North America

Contact Information

South Shore

477 St., Paul St.
Kamloops, BC V2C 2J7
Phone: 250-372-2223
Fax: 250-372-2224

North Shore:

374 Tranquille Rd.
Kamloops, BC V2B 3G7
Phone: 250-434-2526
Fax: 250-434-2527
North Pharmacy Hours of Operation:
Monday - Saturday: 9:00am - 5:30pm
Sunday: 9:00am - 12:00pm


imageWe want to be part of your Health Care Team, and help you manage your medications. Here at Manshadi Pharmacy, we dispense your medications efficiently and accurately, in a timely manner. We have a 24-hour emergency line at 250-574-0111 for those rare occasions where you need emergency pharmaceutical help. We counsel you provide you with information and guidance to help you take your medications safely. We can book a an appointment for a medication review. This is especially important if you are taking several medications.

When compliance or convenience are an issue, Blister packing conveniently removes the pressure of managing multiple bottles of pills, so you can concentrate on more important things in life.

To provide systematic and accurate prescription services, our website has easy-to-use online forms to handle your prescription requests, or just call us.

  • Refill Rx
  • Transfer Rx
  • Auto Refills

Please contact the Manshadi Pharmacy nearest you: North shore 250-434-2526 or South Shore: 250-372-2223

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